lillian m. blakey moon_window

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Sunlight on Earth

� Copyright 2006-2012
Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2006 - 11:26 pm


I adore P, officially�but I'll get to this in a second.

I'll be totally disappearing off the face of the planet till Thursday, as I'll have less than 36 hours to study for CS midterm, which consists of rewriting 5 pages, and of taking notes and remembering the important details of a six page report on of all things � the disasters and wonders of geology. Yes one day to remember 6 pages for a ?50 problem multiple-choice test, and then we also have to write two short essays. Thus I will un-exist till Thursday. The cool thing is that I have no 'must-do' homework for English till the weekend, so I'm able to totally study for CS without distractions.

So, today I woke up feeling absolutely shitty, just in the dumps "closed for maintenance" (girls we all know the many derogatory references) � physically ill. After taking an Advil to relieve the pain, and managing to actually zip my pants, I kind of felt better. Not really.

So the cab came, and I eventually made it to school, we picked up a really nice girl, who is going to my college as well, and I'm hoping to eventually run into her on campus. Disabled, but intelligent and not whiny.

So anyway we get to the college. I go upstairs and sit besides Steph~ the only girl in my class who has been sort of speaking to me. She was there finishing her homework, and complaining to me about the same issues I am having � that this book is absolute crap. So I blabbed to her that most colleges are reserving this class for students who are on academic probation, and she laughed and said that it sounded about right�long story short�I'm almost to call him 'my P' walks out, in his adorably dorky motorcycle goggles and walking with a really classy cane, wearing a smile on his face, all cute and sure of himself.

So�class starts, we all wander in, most of us half-dead, groaning, miserable, and then the class starts talking about how many of them had come down with colds that weekend, and I start putting two and two together � itchy eyes, running nose, head pressure�etc.

I'm half asleep, feeling horribly ill � not deathly ill as the Advil sort of worked, and then 'he' walks in the room�and all is well. Oddly enough, his eating in class made *my* tummy growl. I thought that was funny.

Long story short, after class he sweetly comes up to me, and says "wanna get out of here? like, do you wanna go for a walk?" giving me this near precocious pleading look. I grinned from ear to ear and said that I'd love to go for a walk, and we did�we put our bags in my locker, and walked around campus for 50 minutes between my classes. We walked all over the campus, and back, it was a very long, very nice walk. As we walked, we talked about a lot of things, me, him, his love of dressing up in Victorian era clothing including lacy cuffs (!!) � yes, just like me. I felt busted when he said that I "looked like a corset girl." God, am I really that readable, do my breasts really scream for that type of bondage? They must�anyway, we discussed psychology, and some things from my "history" and then we got to books. Yes, I admit it, I didn't want to go to English class. But as he was starving by the end of our very nice walk, he walked me to the near end of the hall, and grinned, and with a nod, asked me if he'd get to see me on Thursday, with a tone of 'Thursday - is it a date? will your time be my time?'�I suddenly got girly and yes, I nodded with a sweet grin.

The cutest thing about him, he laughs when I giggle. Like he actually thinks its cute that I do it so much. I AM a giggler. Me = giggle. But he giggles at my giggles. <3

Okay I make Josh feel like shit every time I brag about guys who aren't him, so I'll stop here�

English class was boring. I stared at a screen only to add about 8 sentences to my story, making it a long, drawn out, and well�sleep-inducing four page narrative. Submit it just the same, I did.

And then me and mama bear waited for the cab. The sunset was unreal; a huge fireball in the sky, surrounded by red-orange smudge, all across the horizon. Not too far after that, I spotted a family of raccoons by the driveway of the school. They weren't sure of me, and I think I was scaring them. But being at least 200 feet away, they had to have known I meant no harm. They were cute though.

So we got a ride home, and we got home, and I ate. And typed to then called W. and now, here I am falling asleep. So, it's bed-time for me. If I remember anything else, I'll make a note of it, till then�I don't exist in the present�till Thursday or Friday. Though email i love you's or other forms of encouragement and hello's are always welcome.


=*= one day i'll fly away =*=

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