lillian m. blakey moon_window

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Sunlight on Earth

� Copyright 2006-2012
Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2007 - 6:40 pm


Yes it is Valentine's Day. No, despite being gorgeous, I don't have a boyfriend. Yes I have something nasty residing in my head, nose, and throat. No I cannot speak. Yes I'm feeling shitty. Yes, I'm feeling shitty for more than one reason. Yes my cat thinks my coughing is my attempt to expel a hairball. No I am not going to play outside in the snow. Yes it is Eric's birthday. Yes he and I were both born on holidays. Yes I still want to meet him. Yes I want to go class tomorrow. No I am most likely not going to. Yes this will kill my self-worth. Yes my life consists entirely of school. No I do not have many friends. Yes I want to have many friends. Yes I am listening to the Garbage song No. 1 Crush. Yes it is today's anthem. No I do not really care that it has been playing on repeat for over an hour straight. Yes one year ago today was the best day of my life. Yes one year ago today a guy asked me out. Yes he is gorgeous. Yes this guy dumped me for no reason. Yes because of this I would cry if I wasn't sick. No he doesn't really care. Yes we emoticon kissed each other on AIM lastnight at midnight. No I don't think he meant it. Yes he's a pilot. No I will never date another pilot. No I don't know if I can keep that promise. Yes Josh sent me an e-card that made me want to feel better. Yes I am going now. Yes I feel like I'm about to pass out. Yes I have homework due tomorrow. Yes I emailed my teacher to ask if I can email her my homework. Yes this sucks.

=*= one day i'll fly away =*=

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