lillian m. blakey moon_window

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Sunlight on Earth

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Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 - 2:40 pm


Well, my philosophy withdrawal was curbed a little by the fact that I didn't feel well lastight, didn't sleep well thanks to my cat having a psycho-fit all night, and the fact that my Psychology teacher, who I was supposed to meet with to discuss alternatives to the aforementioned project I cannot do, remains ill. I'm a little bummed about missing class today, and if it shows in my writing, oh well.

But as for yesterday...

It was snowing as I left for school.

I got to school a little early, so I went in the library and found a philosophy book, Carl Jung's Archetypes book (again), and a basic keyboard/piano book. The guy in the library is still really sweet and shy when he says hi to me, and i think its funny. He looks up at me, gets bashful and looks away. :sigh:

I went to class early and another classmate was in the room. She talked to me (yes another person acknowledged my existence at school) and briefly chatted about high school, mean college teachers, and basic school stuff. I felt bad cause the teacher had to kick her out so she and I could meet and discuss my disabilities. I never got to touching the piano, but I got within two feet of it.

My music teacher, who I've come to think is not "nice" but maintains civility, got to talking with me about theatre and she suggested I take her voice class as well as the acting class taught by another teacher to overcome my shyness. I want to, and depending how well this semester goes with her, I may soon, even if just for audit. Also, I realizd I busted myself in my paper to her, i mentioned that i cannot get through La Traviata without singing along. ugh...why did i write that.

One thing that really pissed me off is that on Monday she said to think of some of the seven perceptive points to music over the weekend, which implied that that paper she wanted us to write was due the following Monday, well no it was due yesterday. But the half of the class that didn't do it were given the option of submission by email by midnight, I finished my paper about the opera La Traviata by 10:44pm, and sent it off to her. I'm not going to lie, I half-assed it for my usual writing style. But if it's not graded, and I had two hours to do something she really hasn't explained at all, why should I not?

I'm probably going to hate music by the time this class ends.

My teacher is still trying to get us to recognize meter, and I'm still stuck with no comprehension of it outside of classical music. It's interesting when she points it out, but how the hell I'll find it on my own for tests is beyond me. She played two songs by the grateful dead, with 7 and 11 beats, and a motown artist named Laura Niro, who was in 4/4 time, though the 1st and 3rd beats weren't empasized, only the 2nd and 4th, confusing the heck out of all of us - how an you find the first beat if the second beat is the first noticable one? I think I'd like the class more of it focused on the styles and history of music instead of being so utterly technical. I didn't take music theory for a reason.

however, she covered and played examples of monophony (one voice/instrument) polyphony (many voices/instruments playing independent of each other, sort of like an orchestra, playing while a chorus is chanting a separate tune and a soloist is singing as if none of that is going on), and homophony (where a chorus or instruments, etc are playing together basically in unison or as close to it as possible). Interesting stuff that is. Because I LOVE polyphonic arias in opera.

Psychology class lasted all of 20 minutes, because the teacher was (and remains today) rather ill. So she showed up long enough just to write out the study guide on the board, and watch a brief clip of Gorillas in the mist, maybe its midst, anyway, we watched that to view the naturalistic research method, which didn't seem so natural since they mostly observed gorillas being protective of their forest and babies against the odd looking intruder mimicking their behavior.

The guy in class who stared at me the first day, continues to do so, I catch him out of the corner of my eye and when I look back, he looks away. It's really annoying. If he wants to speak to me, he could wait in the hallway, yet he doesn't, and he's the first out the door.

When the teacher left I left and sat in the main hallway and tried to use the hour left to write a basic draft of ideas for the music paper. The school was closing, but there were plenty of people around and the security guards as well. As I was writing, a guy I have no idea who he is walked past. Because I'm me, I automatically look up at everyone, but when I looked up at him, he smiled and waved...and I was left thinking: so when I don't wave to people, they wave at me, m'kay...and who the fuck are you? The dude looked back at me again as he continued walking away, and I pegged him as possible stalker #2. Flattered, he maintained distance, yet he browsed my goods...hmm. Soon after the security guard came up to me and chatted a bit. It's nice to know theyre still looking out for me.

Then I called my mom and we talked till my ride came. By then it was dang cold. I got home, talked to Josh, had a really fun chat, typed up my notes, turned them into short paragraphs. And sent them off to my teacher. typed to W then Kimme,...yeah I guess I was popular last night, unfortunately I was also damn tired.

my cat decided to be an ass and go homicidal on my door again - all night long, so I didn't sleep very well.

And today, I re-did my internet security and so far all is well with it. yay. I think I'm going to go to sleep some more and then do my first draft of my psych paper due monday. I also need to get started on my music book, and watch the 3rd part of LOTR!! I'll make it an excuse...its for class, um, trying to find the rhythm and meter of the sountrack music...ahem ;-)

okay, thats it so far, as far as I can remember.


=*= one day i'll fly away =*=

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