lillian m. blakey moon_window

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Sunlight on Earth

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Monday, Aug. 11, 2008 - 1:45 am


While hoping to get lost in someone else's life, and primarily finding ad diaries begging me to call China for a great deal on software or asking me to purchase car insurance, magazine subscriptions, and weight loss products...I am utterly drained of all inspiration to write of my many, rather intelligent, thoughts throughout my day and many shopping adventures this past week.

I also have completely forgotten the HTML code I taught myself, other than the basic links, images and style codes. I find this annoying as it will take hours when I try to change my diary layout. That will be interesting, if i can ever figure out what to do - i prefer original layouts, although i have a feeling that a few people may be using my images and may have stolen my layout. I practice revenge by not deleting my images when i change layouts, but renaming new images with the same name. This way, they see their diaires or pages with an "i suck" or an "i'm an idiot" or something fairly embarrasing in its place - and they can keep that linked image all they please. There are just a few too many links showing to my photo host.

I have so much to write of, really...and the people with such miniscule lives that they have to keep ad diaries, whom i suspect are the same people responsible for the horrible spelling and grammar in my email's spam box, not to mention the sex supplies they need for their miniscule packages, ought to be completely jealous of my week.


but, in an attempt to digest the adventures yet to be - my important dates this month so far - in case i get overwhelmed and disappear for a bit...

Aug 13th - the day i'll hopefully learn to successfully poke my own eye, oh...and also get contact lense.
Aug 15th/16th at midnight - my and Josh's four-year Amigoversary. aww <3
Aug 20th - the day I realize my fate and whether i'm making a stupid decision to be an agoraphobic ambassador who must be able to answer phones and avoid getting hit on my Africans or 19 year olds who think i'm 19. *grits teeth*
Aug 26th - first day of English class may i please feel cute and not be on my period...(sorry to the guys for mentioning that)
Aug 29th - first day on the job as ambassador and hopefully not the head of my group. God please, i'm not a mother type and slightly exaggerated my abilitiy to deal with students who are unwilling to hold their own. (you get appointed, you don't get a choice.)

So, there will be many firsts this month...including my dream last night where i was friends with Paris Hilton shopping for shoes and trying to find W somewhere in Asia...I think he flew me there and took off on me - so typical, he can't even be nice to me in my subconscious...

okay, i'm off to bed...spammers, spam away. I'll write more tomorrow.


=*= one day i'll fly away =*=

most recent entries:

waving white flags - Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017

yeah so, stuff is happening... - Monday, Sept. 18, 2017

my mind is on the blink - Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017

How stupid of me - Saturday, Sept. 09, 2017

finally breaking down - Monday, Sept. 04, 2017