lillian m. blakey moon_window

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Sunlight on Earth

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Saturday, Jan. 17, 2009 - 4:00 am


I've meant to write but haven't. Monday morning I had to go to emergency. All Sunday night I was in severe pain, my throat was more painful than I'd ever felt in my life. It was clear that both my strep was getting worse and that amoxicillin wasn't doing much. I couldn't even swallow my own saliva let alone water, or food. D took me and my mom in his gma's car. There were only 5 people there when I got there, and I was given an intake in under an hour. D sat there with us and tried to read articles to me to make me feel better. I wasn't doing so well. After the intake the nurse told me he would send me to the "regular ER" and I laughed thinking what the hell am I doing here f this isn't the regular ER�but apparently there is two levels. Within two hours I was strapped up to an IV, being given tarridol, a painkiller, and fluids to rehydrate me. I still have a huge bruise on my arm from that. But I left with a prescription for Zithromax. It seemingly cleared up my strep and it worked great until today. At 3 pm I was wrestling with my cat, and he bit me really hard, so I looked at my hand to see if he broke skin�instead of finding broken skin , I found that I had developed a full body rash�it's everywhere, teeny pink blotches and bumps, even on my hands and feet. Soon after I started feeling like I'm burning, my ears especially. My ears are bright red too, as if they really are burning. So D asked me at 10:30 if I wanted to go to the ER again, and we went. They did nothing for me, really. The doctor simply came in saw that I'm all blotchy, and she gave me a lecture about Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, which is deadly, and told me if my rash gets worse to come back. So I'm not feeling so happy right now. It's like I'm waiting to either get better and live or get worse and die. And all I really want is to be able to go to school next week.

And I really miss being with D...he's not sure about me being sick bc he has no health insurance. I just miss him and neing close. And i'm starting to feel depressed over all of this.


=*= one day i'll fly away =*=

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