lillian m. blakey moon_window

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Sunlight on Earth

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Thursday, Aug. 13, 2009 - 9:57 am


My boyfriend got back from LA on Tuesday afternoon, and except for Tai Chi this morning, we've been inseparable. I guess the distance did him some good, because he seems to have changed and accepted some things he was having a hard time with. He's not as distant with me now as he was. Anyway, I'm not going into detail, but it's been good. :-)

The latest weird thing with my body is that I started lactating a teeny bit. Well, at least I think that's what it is. I noticed it Tuesday as I was getting dressed and my t-shirt was a little wet. It's not much, I'm not seriously doing whatever it is I'm doing. I have no idea what this means, but I did get my period right on time. So I don't think I'm screwed. Maybe my body is realizing that I'm not only almost 30, I'm the exact same age my mom was when she had me. So my poor hormones are like, you should have a child and leak like this!! No!

My astrological Saturn return is happening now, and despite it, I'm doing rather well. My mom made my life hell while my boyfriend was away, though, and I spent nearly all 8 days in my MY room with my mother on my floor complaining about her newest nemeses, Christian fundamentalists, who apparently have taken up Youtube videos to catapult their propaganda in militia-making and trying to take back our country, which was never theirs to begin with. There's really not much I can do...but try to dodge their bullets and idiocy.

Anyway, that's not what I wanted to write about.

My boyfriend is house-sitting again for ten days, this time it's not for the lady who was in rehab for five months (a woman my boyfriend had a falling out with and is no longer speaking to btw). It is for a family, a seemingly nice family. I was lucky enough to have met the husband as he was collecting his things to leave. He looks quite a bit like Groucho Marx. He's a computer technician and musician. My boyfriend met him in tai chi classes a few years ago. I liked him, he seems geeky.

Tuesday, my boyfriend couldn't sleep after the very long flight back, so we went shopping for food at a new market that just opened here, and after that, and some other stuff we finally slept after a long afternoon. :-)

Wednesday, I had a headache, and didn't eat much. But we visited his grandma, and Grandma's green chili stew made me hungry. So I ate some of that once we got back to this place. Yesterday was spent mainly catching up on things my boyfriend needed to do and moving in here. The trip, he said, went really well and he's glad he got to see everyone he was hoping to see.

I am not usually up at 5:30 a.m., but my boyfriend woke me up this morning when he got ready to leave. I looked out the window to see a sliver of peach in the distance beyond the Sangre de Cristo mountains and Venus straight ahead of me, glistening so beautifully. After seeing that I couldn't sleep. Everything was so peaceful out the window.

I am out in the country-side, surrounded by horses, and big open grassy fields. Juniper bushes taller than me surround the house. I can hear a rooster calling out somewhere nearby. Birds are everywhere, including hummingbirds. :-) I'm sure there are also rattle snakes and black widows, so I'm not about to wander too far out in the fields. There is mice poison in some of the corners of the house, so I'm expecting to see some cute lil thing scurrying at some point during our stay.

I love this family's house. It is at the very end of a long dirt road. The house itself is a fairly old country-style adobe house. Most of the doorways and walls are 8-12 inches thick. The house has old collected random doors from other old places. The wood floors are extremely old and creaky. It also has very uneven floors and you must watch your step as it will drop a few inches on you. The house is on about 3 to 5 acres of land and surrounded by others' land so it feels even further out than that. There is an old feed shed and horse stables in the back yard about an acre or so away. There is also a very creepy basement, which looks more like an old tornado cellar and you have to get to it outside through a hatch-door. There is a water-pump, and I'm pretty sure we're on well water out here. And there is a tree in the back we've named �the dove tree� as there are about a dozen doves sitting on it all day. They're there right now once again.

They have as many interesting books as my boyfriend and I have. I've been reading through one of their books called Pioneer Women: Voices from the Kansas Frontier.

The husband collects various tai chi things, including some very fierce, gorgeous, and very real swords, some nearly as long as me.

The wife of the house makes quilts, and they're everywhere. I think we're staying in her room. She kept her maiden name, which I would do too if I got married. The husband and wife have separate rooms, and my boyfriend and I discussed how we would live together. The first thing I said is that I would need my own room. :-) I need my own space, as a writer and an agoraphobic. He needs his own space as a hermit-monk dude. Somehow I can see this happening and working. But I think I would sleep in his bed. :-)

I also noticed a really beautiful tribal bellydance kuchi belt, which the wife has hanging over her doorway. It is embroidered with small mirror accents and shells and tassels. And it is all different colors. Anyway, it makes me feel happy to look at.

It's very peaceful out here. I even saw a little cottontail hopping around out front. :-P

Anyway, all of this has been a long way to lead up to what I was thinking all last night.

How interesting it is to live in someone else's life. Right now I'm sitting at the wife's writing desk with the sun beaming in through the eastern window. She has pictures of her husband and two kids, and her family. There are some near-empty bird feeders outside. I've been looking all over for the feed and can't find it.

I kind of feel like the plants know I don't belong here, I just get that vibe from them.

All of this makes me wonder if I'll ever have something like this. Both D and myself want this, something similar...not as big as this 3 bedroom two bath double-living room, house. But...something other than a crowded apartment. Something with a few acres.

I feel so alive out here. This place really makes me want to write!



=*= one day i'll fly away =*=

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