lillian m. blakey moon_window

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Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009 - 7:23 pm


So...while finding myself at a loss for actual homework that is actually worth doing (because both of my classes are way too easy and thus give me no motivation whatsoever to complete them except when I feel the last-minute adrenaline rushes that are quite thrilling), I decided to make a new list of this semesters classes to see how they count towards my degree. While doing so I discovered a lot of cool things. The math requirement has dropped to math for non-science majors instead of college Algebra. And there is a creative writing focus fimally available. However, while trying to see if I could do the creative writing focus, I discovered the Humanities focus. All of my classes (too much philosophy, some film, etc) would count as core requirements, and not give me 9 too many credits of electives. My Humanities classes could also be my current ASL classes, which if I did the creative writing degree would be even more electives. 'Humanities' is also 2nd level English classes, if like magic, could count for a Creative Writing Certificate as well...something I want even though half of the school says I can't have it...eff them. So...that is what I'm doing, and except for the Computer and Technology class (which seems stupid for most of us to have to take these days)and except for the dreaded extra Science class, I'm not disliking what I have going here.

So, there you go. My educational life is set, I am getting a General Studies AA degree, with a focus in Humanities, and a Creative Writing Certificate.

3 years down and I only have 3 years to go if I stay at this half-time pace to get my 2 years degree! Or 2 years to go if I take 3 easy classes together for 2 semesters, and one class each summer.

I really wish I would have taken another easy class this semester, like small group bf is too busy my classes are way too easy, and I'm left with nothing to do.



=*= one day i'll fly away =*=

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