lillian m. blakey moon_window

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Sunlight on Earth

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Tuesday, Nov. 05, 2013 - 2:18 pm


I need to read like a mofo...BUT I wanted to make a quick entry. My boyfriend assured that I would not get homework done yesterday...but I didn't mind one bit. ;-)

Yesterday, however, was a bit insane by the afternoon, we:

Paid rent to my landlady
Dealt with the issue of his gma's car battery dying and leaving her stranded 45 miles away (at a casino of course)
Identified that her hot water heater was in fact leaking and needed to be replaced.
Went shopping for lunch, which also consisted (I am such a bad influence) in � worth of what we bought being sweets.
Got rent money for his gma.

I know we did more, but that's all I brain is shot.

A funny thing I want to remember is that last night before I went home, we were making out on the couch, not full on, but enough...and luckily his grandma started talking to us before she came out of her room. But we heard her and stopped and smiled at each other like busted school children. Just as she walked into the living room. It was cute.

As far as the instructor I complained about, today, about two weeks after I wrote to him, and filed complaints about him, he finally replied. He figured out that it was me complaining, even though I wasn't so happy about that. But whatever. He apologized. He told me what is going on on his end, and that he is willing and wanting to correct the issues I see. I don't forgive him for being an ass, one bit, but I am happy that he admitted he sees the problems now. And I will tell him the rest as soon as my ab psych test is done. My poor brain is hurting and begging for mercy. I am still pissed. VERY pissed, actually. I included in my complaint that he graded an assignment that wasn't even due yet, and he now has to go correct the grade.

As for ab psych. I will be amazed if I do well on the ab psych exam, granted I already know most of abnormal psych. But still. That doesn't mean I can do test questions. I know there are 50 of them. I know we have 50 minutes, but I should get double that if they apply my accommodations. Which we will see...

I feel so tired. Semesters are too long.

This morning was foggy, cold, wet, and looked miserable. Now that it looks nice out it is a little more distracting. If only it could stay crappy and cold till I'm done with my ab psych exam. When it's nice out, I want to do things, which makes focusing on homework torturous. :(

Also, extra score for me...topic of gender stereotypes in discussion this week: classmates making assumptions that historically everyone ascribed to the socially expected standards, and that only recently has gender identity acceptance allowed people to divert from stereotypes...I got to blow those two statements away ---poof. They made this whole world seem like the dark ages. But I brought up Native American beliefs, other cultures (you know history of Japanese Geisha, India, and others) being accepting of people who exhibit characteristics of both genders, and have done so for thousands of years. Wish I 'd brought up Shakespeare plays, and men playing female roles...that one brain farted out of my consciousness while writing.

Anyway, I also brought up how I know that women did different roles, including ones that were considered male roles, because really, if you are out on the prairie and see a wild animal coming for you, or your horse gets loose, or a chicken needs beheading, are you going to wait for the man to come home to deal with it? I doubt it...shoot that wild animal, round up your horse, and behead that chicken...I'm 99% sure that's how my gr gr gma's did it. ;-)


=*= one day i'll fly away =*=

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