lillian m. blakey moon_window

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Sunlight on Earth

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Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2014 - 11:30 pm


I have been ill since Sunday night. I went to class Monday, and regretted it. After class I went shopping and felt increasingly ill. After I ate I felt like I was dying, my stomach was such a knot. Class involved wall pushups, laps, squats, and this move that is like a duck walk, except for each kneeling step you force your whole body up and then go down, and step with one knee/leg like a duck walk, then stand up, kneel down and step, it hurt and I couldn't even do it right. A 65 year old classmate tore a knee out and had to leave. I'm so pissed at my instructor who of course thought it was all very funny.

I skipped today, because I have a really bad migraine (Since after class on Monday) and felt too ill this morning to go. I felt like i'd puke just getting out of bed, and I almost did this afternoon. This evening I finally got to eat something as I found something that didn't make me feel totally repulsed: blueberry waffles. But then the winds outside picked up and it made me feel nauseated and motion sick.

I haven't gotten any homework done and I have to write 3 papers by Sunday, for which I've gotten one lecture watched but no notes or readings. I've just been too ill.

I also got two points taken off in k@bbalah because my instructor expected us to know things he didn't teach. I hate him now, almost as much as my fitness instructor.

It will be interesting if I survive either of these courses to finals. I am making notes to file formal complaints.

Sociology is fine so far, my instructor posted entire lectures rather than just snippets, so he makes more sense.

Other than this, I have had to deal with rescheduling to get my glasses prescription fixed because the guy didnt listen to me and made my prescription far sighted and blurred.

A lot of other stupid stuff happened, and my exact same insurance is refusing to cover my mom's medication. So, she will be paying around $100 soon for 30 pills. On SSI.

I am really trying to keep my head above water, but people keep pushing me under.

I'm really not feeling well entirely from stress I think, but maybe it is physical too. Juniper is blooming.

One of my aunts I wish I could talk to without starting WWIII is trying to friend me on facebook. The only problem is my relatives have no boundaries, so even though she is the most sane aunt I have, I can't speak to her because the others (all over 60 years old now) will act very 5 and get jealous and start crap. So, I feel annoyed by the stupidity in my family. It actually made me cry that I can't speak to her. She was the aunt who used to send me little things when I wasn't well, and i'm thinking of you pins and notecards; she was very sweet to me.

And it appears I will be gaining a second cat life is about to get weird. More on this later. Thinking of it makes my head hurt.


=*= one day i'll fly away =*=

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