lillian m. blakey moon_window

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Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2014 - 1:37 pm


I have never before been forced to endure a course I am so unhappy in and that makes me so ill. My K@bblalah instructor has no idea what he is doing technologically or topic wise. Even the powerpoint slide presentations are in 30 second to two minute increments, so everything is disjointed and there is no congruity. THe lectures and the handouts and the readings are all in pieces and scattered all over without explanation. He also makes no attempt to explain anything, he merely states what it is, and leaves you floundering to answer his questions that require you put together pieces that don't actually fit together. He said to make "imaginative leaps" to me, which is a shitty way of saying I refuse to teach anything so you will have to guess and hope it doesn't destroy your grade and ability to get scholarships. Because imaginative leaps are fine when you don't lose points on your paper like he did last week. My interpretation was valid. He make no explanation that otherwise said mine wasn't valid.

I have never before hated an instructor so much, but this one is inept is all ways.

I looked into dropping the course, but I would be in so much trouble with financial aid that i would likely not be able to transfer or return to school. I have to endure this course, knowing it is worse than developmental psych was. It is worse than all other courses i've been forced to keep.

The only way I will endure is to do the work and pay absolutely no attention to grades. I will likely be getting my first B or C, and I need to file a complaint on him for what he is doing. He thinks he is some K@bbalah master and he is just an ass who has no idea how to use technology or the internet (for an online course!) and needs to retire.

I'm really happy with my sociology instructor. He's really nice and is being helpful now that he knows what i need.

His niceness makes me want to cry sometimes.

If only I could ever have two good instructors in a single semester, that would be really great...


=*= one day i'll fly away =*=

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