lillian m. blakey moon_window

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Sunlight on Earth

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Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014 - 11:53 am


My week has felt like a year...and medical care is not on my side. I barely got my homework done. I will be repeating this week again next week because of stupidity in getting medical care in my town.

Last Monday I got a flu shot and my arm swelled up a bit and hurt for 3 days...but little did I know what I was in for with trying to figure out why my stomach does what it is doing.

Now both my arms are in pain, so I may need to keep this short. All day Friday I tried to find out whether I was supposed to fast all night, or drink ridiculous amounts of water in order to get an ultrasound on my entire stomach area, from upper abdomen to pelvis...i never did get an answer. I figure not doing anything was easier, but as it was they only ordered for half of my �upper abdomen� to be done...this leaves two more tests to be needed, which no one told me about. So, that left me unhappy as I don't exactly have time to go back and back and back...yet that is what I will have to do. I swear the planets were not aligned in my favor yesterday morning...because after that, I drank water for over an hour, hydrated, and figured I was fasting so I could go get blood drawn. Well, I did get some blood drawn. 6 vials, 2 small and 4 large, were needed to run all the tests I actually need. But, in short, my veins kept collapsing. So I got poked 5 times before he finally gave up. My arms were poked twice each, and my hand, which hurt like get absolutely nothing but one small vial. So I will have to go back next weekend when my veins are healed and my arms are no longer bruised. Hopefully my body won't reject he needles again...apparently my veins suck worse than even I previously knew.

My gluten-free diet went to hell. I can't actually afford a gluten-free diet. It seems nothing gluten-free is less than $6, and often goes double in price for the same items. I'm not so into that.

But we'll see...for now, I'm going to finish the food I bought so it doesn't go to waste.

Other than that, I have been trying to have a good weekend, but my boyfriend's temper keeps getting in the way. In fact it ruined all of Friday night, and this morning...

I apparently interrupted his cooking of an egg...or something like that, by filling his grandma's pill box and finding that she already has a prescription for some of the things, yet she seemed oblivious about that.

I also got new glasses...they are blue and were stored under the �boys� section...the �women's/girls� section all had pink and red and purple frames...i swear to you this town is still in 1800's ideas regarding gender identity. It reminded of how, when I moved here 11 years ago in 2 weeks, there was no one who sold blue nail polish at all...the only shades of nail polish you could buy were browns and reds and pinks and clear. Thank god that has changed at least.

I'm not sure what to think of my old ones were light blue with butterflies. I really liked my butterflies.

Ok, my arms is giving out, and I have green chilies to roast. For the first time in my life...


=*= one day i'll fly away =*=

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