lillian m. blakey moon_window

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Sunlight on Earth

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Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2014 - 10:16 pm


I asked my boss for the data I am supposed to input into the database...he said there isn't any and acted like I was speaking Greek...

It has left me wondering what is up...especially after he previously told me that there is a partial data file and now suddenly I am making a database from scratch using software I have never before used and with no manual...well, I bought the manual for myself because the idea of learning something with no way to reference it seemed futile. And now i am making a database to hold a potentially infinite amount and type of theoretical data, as if such a thing is possible to do.

I am now questioning my job...

also everything I have done so far has disappeared instead of being put online or put to use or kept together...he says he will respond and make edit remarks so I can finish things and then I never hear back and it is as if it never happened at all. He says it is all very good and then...nothing.

It is very strange, I have to say. So I am trying to learn how to use a database with zero knowledge of what I need to know how to do. I sometimes wonder what I did to the gods...I am again wondering.

Okay, me and Captain Xanax need to curl under the covers. It is getting harder to wake up in the morning now that it is so cold. Also, cats keep waking me up all night intending to cuddle but getting distracted by attacking my legs and feet.

I have discovered I lose my appetite very fast eating gluten-free food. Before I felt ill and couldn't keep eating, on gluten-free i just lose my appetite and stop eating and do not at all feel compelled to keep eating even if i am hungry. either way, i ate a dozen gummy worms for lunch today. That is all I felt compelled to eat.


=*= one day i'll fly away =*=

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