lillian m. blakey moon_window

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Sunlight on Earth

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Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015 - 3:41 pm


I'm about to delete my facebook, for real this time. There is no point. Hanging onto fake friends and people who have people more important than you doesn't exactly make for a great feeling.

There is this new thing about friend walls...The people i would put i haven't seen for years and they have other friends. i found this out because they are posting their friends, and i am not in any one of them. It doesn't feel good.

Facebook is making my life miserable.

I am also having an issue of a puppy next door who has been crying, screaming, howling, throwing itself against the house, etc. all days for 5 days.

I'm behind on homework, and what's worse is that my stress and insomnia is through the roof.

I was also told my increase of stress caused by the dog is n't covered under ADA even if I have quiet room accommodations and a stress disorder aggravated by noises and environmental stresses.

And through this my friends or "friends" aren't exactly being supportive...i have friends who put me down and tell me to think differently or stop complaining. So i really should just delete it, and let go of this past where i thought maybe i had friends for once. I obviously didn't.

I'm grumpy and with good cause. And i have to be awake enough to watch 3 hours of classes tonight.

Everything hurts.


=*= one day i'll fly away =*=

most recent entries:

waving white flags - Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017

yeah so, stuff is happening... - Monday, Sept. 18, 2017

my mind is on the blink - Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017

How stupid of me - Saturday, Sept. 09, 2017

finally breaking down - Monday, Sept. 04, 2017